Membrane-friendly bridging and support bar for single-ply PVC roofing.
EJOT COLORFAST Super-SAPHIR CF19 JT3-D-12H Stainless Steel Bi-met Fastener (11mm Bi-Hex):
EJObar is EJOT’s membrane-friendly solution for securing ir carrying mechanical & electrical essentials through to lightweight solar PV and thermal installations.
Fixing EJObar is easy. Installation is either by hot welding or for some applications, it can be simply used free standing as a carrier system.
EJObar has been subjected to rigorous strength-of-weld tests at the EJOT Applitec Development and Testing Centre. More than 20 reinforced PVC membranes were subjected to a like for like programme of tensometer procedures using a 150mm long section of EJObar.
EJObar surpassed all reasonable criteria achieving an average 3.4 kilonewton loading for PVC membranes.
The following leading PVC membrane manufacturers formally approve PVC EJObar: Renolit, Flag Soprema, Fatra, Wolfin for specific solar installations – and Iko for Mechanical and Electrical applications.
Part Codes:
300 mm: PVC EJObar 300 mm
500 mm: PVC EJObar 500 mm
1000 mm: PVC EJObar 1000 mm
1500 mm: PVC EJObar 1500 mm
3000 mm: PVC EJObar 3000 mm
End Caps: PVC EJObar End Caps